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Baby Acupuncture

Many babies and kids today suffer from chronic inflammatory conditions and sometimes Western medicine isn’t enough!  

Dr. Lui gave her acupuncture and also provided her with Chinese herbs. This treatment instantly gave her relief - her wind was untrapped and her digestive system started to ware more efficiently.

That’s why parents are turning to acupuncture because it offers a safe, natural and effective approach to pediatric care. It focuses on treating symptoms leading to a safe resolution of illness and preventing illness in the future by stimulating healing and restoring the body’s own resilience.  

Modern acupuncture treatments are done using painless acupuncture and non-needle treatment techniques, so even children afraid of needles will find the treatments easy and painless.

In Chinese medicine we believe that each child is unique and we customize each treatment plan to the child’s individual needs. Sometimes generic western treatments may not be able to adequately address the challenges faced by a child and parents may be told they’ll just “grow out of it.” No parent wants to accept such a fatalistic view when their child is suffering!

Parents may also be concerned about turning to powerful Western drugs which may have unwanted side effects, instead turning to other approaches such as acupuncture because it is less invasive and has no unwanted side effects.

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy that involves puncturing the skin with very fine needles in specific areas of the body. The therapy is based on the theory that a specific form of energy flows throughout the body and travels in channels known as meridians. This energy is referred to as qi. When qi is unable to flow freely throughout the body, many forms of illness are thought to occur as a direct result. Acupuncture is believed to restore the flow of qi and once those energy flows have been restored, it is believed that good health will return.

In UK, parents are turning to the alternative therapy when traditional treatments do not have the desired effect.

Acupuncture can be used for various pediatric conditions, most parents came to Ines Medical wanting to treat problems with digestion, excessive crying, sleeping, colic, reflux, lazy eye, anorexia, autism, eczema and many other frequent health concerns.​

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